Meriwether Historical Society enjoys period fashion show and luncheon
The Meriwether Historical Society held a summer luncheon on July 7th, 2010 for members and guests who were asked to bring a fashion treasure from the past. The Georgian Inn in Greenville was the site of the fundraiser and cooks for the event were Sallie Mabon, Betty Clayton, Mary Anne Harman, Angie Williams, Diana Norris, Erma Jean Brown, and Sally Neal.
James and Shari Triche had the inn in perfect order for the fifty plus guests and the tables were decorated in the finest of chinas, crystals, and silvers by Lynda Woodall, Ellen McEwen, Mary Ellen Hill, Sally Neal, Sallie Mabon, Pam Tidwell, Erma Jean Brown, Lelia Freeman, and Nancy Riggins.
Treasure from attics, closets, and chests were brought and guests viewed snippets of hand made lace, dried flower wedding headbands, jewelry, a college letterman sweater and dresses from several periods. Perfume bottles, powder puffs, hair, beauty, and makeup brushes gave everyone a glimpse into the past.
Lelia Freeman’s brought the woolen swimsuit, being shown by her daughter Nan , left, to Isabelle Knight of LaGrange. The 1920-30s suit belonged to Jessie Thrash Freeman and Lelia said she well recalls its wet wool smell after swimming.
Toots Hobson was fashionably dressed in a period outfit from the forties. Few ladies are still able to fit in their clothes from the past, but Toots wore the full skirt dress well and had the matching accessories to go with it.
Sally Estes shows Jane Estes the unique bustle attached to the black silk dress worn by her ancestor.
Hannah Flynn brought the wedding dress belonging to her late husband’s grandmother who had over a decade to make the dress after the proposal until the time her intended came back from “seeking his fortune.”
Jane Morrison brought the 79 years old shoes and boucle bag that belonged to her mother, Vivian Mathews. Worn at her wedding, Miss Vivian was married by the ordinary, the Honorable Elsie O’Neal, (a Position now called probate judge) at the courthouse on April 18, 1931 . She croqueted the boucle bag in 1935.